Mary Mazaheri

” On top of my list are children. I love children. I love being a child. I’ve always loved the children’s world, simply because in it there is purity, there is innocence, and there is a undescribable joy of being unstoppable. I am an avid athlete. My favorite sport is rock climbing. For many years I’ve thought about why I love to be active. Maybe it’s because I want to be healthy, maybe it’s because I want to explore my surroundings, but I’ve come to learn that above all I want to be able to keep up with the unmeasured energy of a child. Furthermore, I thrive on friendships. I believe that the true meaning of life is found in profound and meaningful friendships. It is through friendship that the purest form of love is found and expressed. Above all, my greatest role model for friendship has been the relationships between children, as it is the purest form of unbiased care, sincerity, and communication. Lastly, I love to travel and explore the world. But the most meaningful journey of life is experienced with children and through their perspectives. My name is Mary Mazaheri, and I don’t want to just look after your child, instead, I will provide parents with peace of mind by giving children an exceptional education every fun-filled day in a place as nurturing as home. I will be decided to the social, emotional, and academic development of every child in my care. Children flourish in environments where they feel comfortable. There is a place for your child at … “